Live at Lunch

New partnership between Magpie Dance with Royal Opera House and Royal Ballet leads to live performance opportunity and improved accessibility in Learning Platform online resources.

As part of a new partnership with the Royal Opera House (ROH), Magpie Dance are modifying their Learning Platform online resources to improve accessibility and will be performing live on 21st June as part of the ROH’s free live at lunch series of performances.

“It’s magical! A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…… I can’t stop smiling!” Hannah W, Magpie dancer.

Following a recent visit by Royal Ballet Dance Artists, David Pickering and Liz Foster, who led learning sessions with Magpie Adult Choreographers, Magpie dancers are set to perform a series of creative exercises inspired by the Royal Ballet’s Romeo and Juliet, demonstrating their adaptation and interpretation of the Romeo and Juliet learning resources.

“It was truly inspiring to see the work that you are doing, what extraordinary performers. The [Romeo and Juliet] resources you have created in response to ours, are brilliant as is the emerging work you showed” Liz Foster, Royal Ballet.

Magpie dancers will also perform a short duet entitled ‘Love’ inspired by Romeo and Juliet and drawing on Magpie Dance’s recent Hidden Impact production which explored the impact of the First World War on people with learning disabilities. Audience members will also be invited to take part in a Q&A session with Magpie dancers and Artistic Director, Alison Ferrao.

This is a fantastic opportunity for Magpie dancers to perform their work to a new audience and members of the Royal Opera House. You can see the magical workshop taking place in this short film.

You can see the live performance at the Royal Opera House, Live at Lunch on 21st June from 1pm. No need to book, free admittance.


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